Custom Aura Spray


Introducing your very own custom Aura spray – to serve all metaphysical needs that align with you in this moment – made specifically for you!

Each bottle contains 80ml.

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For everyone looking for a completely custom-made spray that serves their personal needs, as per what would serve them best right now!

This spray contains a mixture of 8-10 different essential oils, which are intuitively selected during a divine channeling practice and based on the name(s) provided.

As with all essential oil spray products; this contains Witch Hazel to preserve its quality and longevity.

Each bottle contains 80ml.

HOW TO USE: Must be shaken before use every time. Spray across the body, over top of clothes. Can also be applied to a room, but be sure the sprayed area is clear of people and animals until it has settled; and do not allow animals to lick/ingest. Use as often or as little as you wish. If spraying near or above face, be sure to keep your eyes closed and hold your breath until it has settled.

DO NOT INGEST. While rare, some people do have a reaction when applying essential oil products directly to skin. This product is NOT intended to be applied to skin but some customers use it this way – please only do this with caution and at your own discretion/risk.